Tuesday | September 13, 2005
9:00–9:30 a.m.
9:30–10:00 a.m.
12:15–12:45 p.m.
12:45–1:15 p.m.
this edition:
- Court security budgets: Learn what’s planned to boost the bottom line.
- Confidence in the courts: Find out what some of the state’s best thinkers say courts should do to improve public trust.
- Good ideas to share: A sneak-peak at the new guide to Innovations in the California Courts- Models for Administering Justice.
- Courthouse tour: Visit Sacramento’s new sparkling, hi-tech Juvenile Justice Center.
- Stretching resources: Los Angeles honors first class of JusticeCorps graduates.
- Staff development: New family court professionals from 21 counties get top-notch training.
For more information
Annual Report:
Want a print copy? Contact California Courts Infoline at 800-900-5980 or e-mail: pubinfo@jud.ca.gov
JusticeCorps information:
Kathleen Dixon, Superior Court of Los Angeles County, 213- 893-2942, Kdixon@LASuperiorCourt.org
Martha Wright, AOC Grants Unit, (415) 865-7649, martha.wright@jud.ca.gov
Institute for Court Professionals (training):
Lisa Lightman
Center for Families, Children & the Courts
(415) 865-8787
To comment on proposed building standards: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/programs/occm/
Uniform civil fee structure: serranus.courtinfo.ca.gov/programs/finance/fees.htm
Santa Ana’s new courthouse for the Fourth Appellate District, Division Three.
Mental Health: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/programs/collab/mental.htm
Legal Services Trust Fund Commission grants:
Bonnie Hough, AOC: (415) 865-766, email: bonnie.hough@jud.ca.gov
California Courts Review Magazine
On line: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/ccr.htm
To request a hard copy:
PubInfo hotline: 800 900 5980 or pubinfo@jud.ca.gov
Court News Online: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/cno
CCN story suggestions/comments:
CCN, winner of the 2005 Communicator Award of Distinction and the State Information Officers Council Gold Award for Excellence in Government Communications, is the half-hour newsmagazine for California court professionals. CCN is produced by the Administrative Office of the Courts and is distributed via satellite to nearly 200 downlink sites on the second Tuesday of each month. |