Tuesday | October 11, 2005
9:00–9:30 a.m.
9:30–10:00 a.m.
12:15–12:45 p.m.
12:45–1:15 p.m.
this edition:
- Family Law Case Management: Learn how to increase efficiency, improve access & fairness, & find funding.
- Adoption Month Events: Pick up some new ideas for Adoption & Permanency Month.
- CARS: Find out which courts are jumping on board the Court Accounting & Reporting System – & what the benefits are.
- Technology + Collaboration: See how Butte, Glenn & Tehama partner to help pro pers, plus save time & money.
- Sharing Resources: Discover how you can get some great free or inexpensive stuff for your court, or maybe unload what your court doesn’t need.
- Outreach: Find out how Shasta organized a successful Supreme Court learning opportunity for students from 38 schools.
For more information
Family Law Case Management Study:
Deborah Chase, Center for Families, Children & the Court
(415) 865-7598 deborah.chase@jud.ca.gov
Surplus Web Site:
Serranus, Finance.
SHARP Self Help Center – Kleps Winner
Butte/Glenn/Tehaman Partnership
Suzanne L. Morlock
SHARP Managing Attorney
(530) 532-7188
Innovations in the California Courts–Models for Administering Justice
Nicole Claro-Quinn
Supreme Court briefs from cases in Redding’s special session:
California Channel:
To request Court Adoption and Permanency Month Technical Assistance Package:
Stacey Mangni, AOC CFCC
ADR Resource Center:
Beyond the Bench Conference
Registration Deadline: Nov. 1
Task Force Info:
California Courts Review Magazine
On line: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/ccr.htm
To request a hard copy:
PubInfo hotline: 800 900 5980 or pubinfo@jud.ca.gov
Court News Online: www.courtinfo.ca.gov/cno
CCN story suggestions/comments:
CCN, winner of the 2005 Communicator Award of Distinction and the State Information Officers Council Gold Award for Excellence in Government Communications, is the half-hour newsmagazine for California court professionals. CCN is produced by the Administrative Office of the Courts and is distributed via satellite to nearly 200 downlink sites on the second Tuesday of each month. |