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Tuesday | December 9, 2008
9:00–9:30 a.m.
9:30–10:00 a.m.
12:15–12:45 p.m.
12:45–1:15 p.m.

Highlights in this edition:

  • New info on the statewide fiscal emergency.
  • San Luis Obispo celebrates a grand opening in Paso Robles.
  • Court Construction and Management roars into high gear.
  • Ventura takes its Adoption Faire to the mall.
  • Hundreds of people from 52 courts attend new laws workshops.
  • Justice Douglas Miller saving lives in East Africa.

TravelCam Note:

We want to send the CCN TravelCam to YOUR court, if you have a story to tell. It's easy, it's fun, and it brings deserved attention to your court. Just call Leanne Kozak at (916) 263–2838, or email her at

For more information:

  • California Courts Review Magazine
    To request a hard copy:
    PubInfo hotline: (800) 900–5980 or

  • Court News Update
    (Serranus login required Serranus login required)

  • CCN story suggestions/comments:
  • CCN, winner of the 2005 Communicator Award of Distinction and the State Information Officers Council Gold Award for Excellence in Government Communications, is the half-hour newsmagazine for California court professionals. CCN is produced by the Administrative Office of the Courts and is distributed via satellite to nearly 200 downlink sites on the second Tuesday of each month.

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    CCN: December 9, 2008

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