New info on the statewide fiscal emergency.
- San Luis Obispo celebrates a grand opening in Paso Robles.
Court Construction and Management roars into high gear.
Ventura takes its Adoption Faire to the mall.
Hundreds of people from 52 courts attend new laws workshops.
Justice Douglas Miller saving lives in East Africa.
41 capital projects in 34 counties approved.
- The new “Court Statistics Report” explained.
NCRO opens its new conference center.
Placer tells customers to take a number.
The Supreme Court travels to Palm Desert.
A successful DUI Court in San Joaquin.
- News on trial court budget allocations, reductions, and perspectives from Chief Deputy Director Ron Overholt.
- Updates on courthouse construction projects in Butte, Fresno and Placer.
- Success in Santa Clara with the Court-Community Academy.
- Plus newsmakers from Orange, Riverside, Solano, Ventura, and more!
- Foster Care Commission recommendations.
- San Joaquin’s new courthouse plans.
- Collections best practices.
- West Covina courthouse flood.
- L.A.’s JusticeCorps in super-sized self help center.
- Civics Institute expansion.
- San Diego Stand Down.
- Fire! The mediation unit's building in Madera is now a pile of ashes.
- The Impartial Courts Forum takes center stage in a statewide broadcast.
- Los Angeles creates an innovative program to support conservatees.
- Parent Truancy Court in Alameda helps families solve problems for the good of the kids.
- Probate and conservatorship clerks say they have the best jobs in the court.
- Riverside extends its lease to clear up more backlogged civil cases.
- Stanislaus reaches out at the mall for Law Day.
- Los Angeles sends in a strike team to clear up a traffic case backlog.
- Riverside racks up impressive progress with their criminal and civil backlog.
- Ventura asks courts users “How’re we doing?”
- San Joaquin remodels an old downtown bank building for courtrooms.
- El Dorado, San Benito, Santa Cruz and Yolo get site visits from the Judicial Council.
- Ventura’s premier collections program brings in millions every year.
- Jury managers struggle with rising rates of “failure to appear.”
- Contra Costa and San Joaquin offer advice on setting up Homeless Courts.
- “Jumpstart” graduates a second class in San Mateo.
- Stanislaus opens new civil courts in a Modesto high rise.
- The Supreme Court “same sex marriage” decision generates record web hits.
- A computer virus forces the 8-day shutdown of the entire computer system in the San Diego court.
- California legislators propose $5 billion in lease revenue bonds for court buildings—funded with increased fines and court fees.
- Ventura builds outdoor walk-up windows for express transactions—a popular addition to customer service.
- Fresno hears from hundreds of stakeholders on what the court is doing right and wrong.
- San Bernardino creates a model program for “Limited English Proficiency” assistance.
- Judicial Council Digest: highlights of the April 25, 2008 public meeting.
- The Supreme Court attracts a big statewide audience for oral arguments on same-sex marriage.
- 14 courts send delegates to the Capitol to lobby legislators.
- Alameda holds parents responsible for truancy in the elementary grades.
- San Luis Obispo connects with senior advocates.
- Santa Cruz takes a unique approach to scheduling staff training.
- The new 5th District Court of Appeal building in Fresno wins a design award.
- Plus newsmakers in Contra Costa, Kings, Riverside, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Shasta, Solano, and Stanislaus.
- Riverside puts a big dent in its backlog of civil cases–thanks to an arrangement with a local grammar school.
- Madera meets the neighbors–connecting with the community about the proposed new downtown courthouse.
- “Choices and Consequence: Real DUI Court in Schools” plays to teens all over the state on TV.
- The Domestic Violence Task Force makes 139 recommendations and guidelines for the courts that will save lives.
- Educators from the “On My Honor–Civics Institute” share practical lessons about weaving civics into required instruction.
- Contra Costa opens the doors of its new training facility to neighboring courts.
- Stanislaus introduces biometrics as an alternative computer identification system.
- San Diego judges hit teens with straight talk in “Justice 101.”
- Fresno creates a workshop for the media to enhance accuracy.
- Monterey hosts a community services networking event.
- Self Help Center funding grants announced.
- San Francisco celebrates 5 years of success with its Behavioral Health Court.
- Judicial Branch Staff Recognition Program winners in Fresno, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, Shasta, & Solano.
- Also hear from newsmakers in Butte, Merced, Sacramento, San Benito, Santa Cruz & Los Angeles.