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Only the strong survive. DUI - Stop Yourself. Stop a Friend.

DUI effects on your wallet

DUI costs more than you think. Get fined. Go to jail. Kill a friend. Kill yourself. You pick.

The financial cost is unbelievable. Here's the breakdown, but keep in mind that the cost listed is just the bare minimum. The total financial cost does not include killing someone and enduring your living days with guilt.

The financial cost of a DUI
Cost of annual auto insurance increase over 13 years $40,000
DUI classes $650
Towing and storage fee ($137 a day) $685 (at least 5 days)
Fines and attorney fees $4,000
DMV reinstatement fee $100
Estimated Minimum total $45,435

Keep in mind these fees are the bare minimum. These fees don't include hospital fees of the person you hurt, emotional and physical cost, the inability to get a job to pay off these fees because of the DUI record.

In a nutshell, these fees can go into the millions of dollars!