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Only the strong survive. DUI - Stop Yourself. Stop a Friend.

Get Involved

What can you do in your community to prevent DUIs?

If you really want to get involved, here are a couple of ideas you might want to get your friends together and consider.

  • If there is an upcoming event and you want to promote Zero Tolerance, try tying ribbons on the vehicles in the school parking lot prior to the event reminding drivers about the dangers of drinking and driving.
  • Offer limousine rental discounts. After getting permission from school officials, contact a local limousine rental company and offer them an opportunity to be the exclusive limo company for your high school; in return the company must promise to not allow underage drinking in their cars.
  • Organize a “Just in Case” calling card program. Talk to local car dealers about donating calling cards with $1 value to students attending proms or graduation parties to use just in case they get stuck. Students can use cards for one free phone call to a friend or adult if they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
  • Contact local radio and TV stations about creating and producing PSAs (Public Service Announcements) using teen voices, that promotes zero tolerance regarding drinking and driving. This would be particularly important to air near proms, homecoming, graduation, Thanksgiving, Christmas and throughout the summer.

Have fun! Use your imagination. Get creative and see how you can get involved in stopping DUIs in your community.